Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 1 Complete

FYI to my adoring fans: As part of my job, I'm not allowed to maintain a blog that comments on politics. Just FYI. Therefore, from now on, this blog will strictly comment on my life and not politics. It will be difficult, so just bear with me. Thanks!

Now, the first week of any job is crazy. It's difficult to show up and be expected to learn everything in a day and retain it all. Luckily, I have my experience from Pennsylvania to fall back on, and luckily, the Field Organizers there were awesome and super organized, so it's good experience. And it definitely prepared me (at least mentally) for the 14 hour days, running on 6 hours of sleep.

The week began in Middle-Of-Nowhere, VA, which was fun. A great way to get to know everyone. Of course, we then dispersed all over the state afterwards. :( But we'll be meeting again in Richmond in a week so it's all good.

About that, this coming weekend should be interesting. I'm going to leave early from work on Friday, and drive down to the Benders. In the morning, I have the State Convention in Hampton (aka I get to fill out the paperwork to officially become an Obama delegate). Then I'm going to Richmond to stay with the Donnelly's for a night before going to a staff-wide training on Sunday. Thank god for having family all over the state!

The rest of the week was pretty crazy. I think I finally have a hold on my schedule. It begins at 7:30 when I wake up. A shower and breakfast. Leave by 8:30 for the office in Old Town Alexandria. Arrive by 9. Morning meeting with our Regional Field Director. All-staff conference call at 9:30. Call time (aka calling old people) from 10-noon. Lunch break (aka moving cars because we only have 3-hour street parking). Work on various projects and prepare for evening call time. Move car for last time at 3. Get materials and dinner together for evening call time. Then call time from 4-9 (aka five hours with no breaks and the phone not leaving your ear except for a short break at 7 to eat - craziness!). But wait, there's more! During all of that, volunteers were making calls from paper call sheets, meaning we need to enter all of the information into the online database. While the goal is to get out by 9:30, it takes much longer, and we usually get out around 10/10:30.

I know it sounds crazy. And it is. But it will all be worth it if we succeed!

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